Connaught Mews

Residents' Information

This information is intended for the use of new and existing residents alike. It is intended to provide you with important information relating specifically to Connaught Mews.

Please keep a note of the details contained and if you are letting out to tenants, please make them aware of them.

If you would like to suggest information for inclusion on this page that might be of use to other residents, please contact us.



61 or 65 flats

How many flats are there in Connaught Mews? My lease states 65 but the service charge suggests there are 61.

There are in fact only 61 flats in Connaught Mews. The earliest flats were given incorrect leases as the exact number of flats at the time had not been finalised during development.

Only a handful of flats now still have this mistake. As each flat is sold, the solicitors have been instructed to amend it. We had researched the possibility of changing the few remaining leases in around 1998 and had even collected money to effect these changes. On submitting the request to the solicitors though it turned out it was going to cost a three figure sum per flat in order to rectify matters. Instead of insisting each flat did this it had been agreed at an open meeting that the remaining flats would switch to being a 61st. Our solicitors also concurred on this matter in 1998.

As there are only a handful of leases left in this wrong state, it only amounts to a very small difference. Note, it is also not a simple case of dividing the total shown by 65 as this would leave a shortfall with those paying 61 having to pay even more to make up the difference. A different calculation can take this into account but as stated, it results in only a very small difference which would be unfair to the other residents.

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The correct address for Connaught Mews is:

Flat **
Artillery / Lantern / Nightingale House
Connaught Mews
SE18 6SU

The post office have experienced problems with incorrectly addressed mail in the past and will return such letters to the sender.

See also: Post - Royal Mail

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Connaught Mews has three access points into the development. Pedestrian access by way of the locked gates at Grand Depot Road and also by the door adjacent to the tennis courts.

Vehicular Access to the site is gained by using the Woolwich New Road entrance via the electronic gates.

If you are moving from Connaught Mews please ensure that the key for these gates are left for the new occupier.

New keys can be purchased from the company.

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Aerial (TV & Satellite)

A communal T.V. aerial & satellite system has been installed at Connaught Mews. Not all flats are currently connected as they declined to take advantage of the system and have it installed. For installation enquiries please contact:

Community Vision Ltd.
Crundalls House
Kent TN12 7EA

Tel: 01892 722887

Reception problems: Community Vision also maintain the TV aerial and satellite systems, if there are problems with reception on either system they can be called to fix it. In rare cases, it may be necessary for them to have access to your flat. If the fault is with your own equipment, you will be charged.

Note: to receive satellite you will have to purchase a decoder and subscribe to a satellite provider such as Sky through Community Vision. Connaught Mews is a Grade II list property and you can not attach your own satellite dishes.

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Cars, Motorbikes, Bicycles

When parking your car please ensure you fully apply the handbrake AND leave the car in first gear. The parking area is on a slight slope and there have been a number of incidents of cars rolling into the railings and being damaged.

All cars and motorbikes should be parked in the bays provided. Spaces are always available. Parking on the roadways can cause a serious obstruction in the event of an emergency. It is also inconsiderate to other residents.

Please do not chain your motorbikes or bicycles to any of the railings around the property as this causes damage to the paintwork. Residents have also complained about the noise from parking too close to the buildings.

If possible please try to park two motorbikes in a single bay to save parking spaces.

There are facilities for parking bicycles behind the Artillery House bin enclosure. This area is locked. If you are interested in using this please contact us to request access information.

For health and safety reasons bicycles must not be left in the communal areas. Any bicycles found in the corridors will be removed to the bike store.

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Connaught Mews SE18 Management Company Ltd

The office is situated at the top of the stairs in Lantern House (number 20). The office is not regularly occupied and it may be quicker to contact Acorn Estate Management.

Note: The office does not have a door entrance buzzer.

Should you write to us at the office please place the correspondence in the office letterbox and not on the table in the lobby of Lantern House.

For full information on how Connaught Mews Management operates : click here.

Contact Acorn Estate Management or Connaught Mews Management : contact information

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Contents Insurance

We strongly advise you to arrange contents cover. By not having it could prove to be a false economy should you accidentally flood the flats below.

Connaught Mews does have general buildings insurance but this does not cover individual flats in any way.

See also: buildings insurance.

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Delivery cards

A special box for courier delivery cards is fixed to the main gate.

Please click here to tell us if you need a key.

It is not necessary to tape signs to the main gate for delivery drivers as you can have your mobile phone or landline phone connected to the main gate. Please contact Acorn Estate Management to arrange for this service.

Signs taped to the gate make the entrance look messy, the tape sometimes is very difficult to remove and the gate has to be rubbed down and painted, all of which is adding to your service charge. Any signs left at the gate will be removed.

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Please refrain from depositing items of food and fats into the sinks and toilets. The drains at Connaught Mews are of the original small bore cast iron type. They get blocked easily and are expensive to unblock. Each time they have had to be unblocked food has been the main cause.

Dispose of food and fats with your rubbish in the bins provided.

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Electric meters

Meters for Lantern & Nightingale Houses can be found in the basement meter rooms under the stairs.

The meters for Artillery House are located inside the meter cupboard adjacent to the front door of Flat 8. Residents at the otherside of Artillery House who need access to their electric metre should contact Acorn Estate Management: contact information.

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Entry phone replacements

If your entryphone is having problems such as failure to open the door, or perhaps even covered with paint after some redecorating, then here is a possible compatible replacement from Bell systems - Wall mounted Telephone Model 801. Try the main
Bell Systems website.

The original phones are actually called an Eagle NS353. The company Shopping4Electrical used to stock this model, so it may be worth contacting them directly.

This phone operates on our 12V system and can be purchased individually and should cost around £25.

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For Sale

If you are selling your flat ensure that the Estate Agent is informed that the For Sale board should under no circumstance be nailed to the boundary walls or attached to the railings. They will be removed immediately. Only one board per Agent is allowed.

The For Sale boards are to be placed firmly in the soil at the Woolwich New Road entrance.

We recommend asking your estate agent to add this website to your flat's details to aid with selling the flat.

We are also able to add your property to this website. Based on the number of hits we have received for past entries, we can highly recommend this.

See also: Buying & selling

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Gates and the Telguard System

The automatic gates for car access to the Mews are operated by a coded remote control. Additional remotes can be
purchased if needed.

The gates are also connected to the Telgaurd entryphone system. This calls your flat's telephone whenever there is someone at the gate wanting to gain access. Via the phone it is then possible to open the gates (please contact us for further details).

New owners or residents who have changed their number will need to have the system updated. Unfortunately there is a cost for this imposed by the Telguard company.

See also: Request number change.

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Gate Failure - What to do if it happens

  1. You need to see if the fault is with your remote control unit. Press the yellow remote control button. If the red light doesn't come on or is flickering, you should replace the battery (type A23 12V). One symptom of a low battery is having to be very near to the gate for it to work.

  2. Using the entry phone system on the gates, press the button for flat 20 Lantern House. The call will go through to Acorn Estate Management, explain the situation to them and ask them to try to open the gates.

    If you experience a problem outside of office hours, you should telephone the gates (just like if you were letting out a visitor). If the gates open, it is likely to be a remote control unit fault.

  3. If the gate has stopped midway, wait for the gate to close automatically before trying to open it again. Pressing the button before this will have no effect. Whilst it is closed, check the area behind the motor to see if any leaves are caught behind, these can fool the motor into thinking it has opened fully.

  4. Make sure that there is nothing obstructing the light sensors (such as a leaf or dirt) as this will prevent the gates from opening.

  5. If the gates still do not open, then you need to telephone Acorn Estate Management, and make them aware of the problem who will then disable the gates as soon as is possible and the gates will be left in the open position, until the fault can be repaired.

    Due to heath and safety, warranty and insurance issues, only Acorn Estate Management can disable the gates; therefore it is not possible to let residents shut down the gate in the event of a failure.

  6. (extreme emergencies only e.g. fire and evacuation of the site)

    The old vehicle entrance (now for pedestrians only) at the other end of the Mews can be reinstated. In the event of an emergency and the above steps have failed, it is possible to get out via this exit but do not do so without contacting Acorn Estate Management first. Open the gate as you would do as a pedestrian and then whilst the left hand side is open, pull up the stopper and swing the right hand side open.

    Please be aware though that you use this at your own risk. There is no kerb crossover here and so you must take extra care.

The gate has failed on a small number of occasions, but it should be noted that so far it has always automatically reset itself after a couple of hours and has resumed normal operation. The gate is regularly serviced to minimise these problems.

See also: contact us.

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It is not uncommon for flats to be affected by minor flooding from flats above. Even minor flooding can cause significant damage in some cases. If your flat is flooded we advise you to do the following:
  1. If your own flat is flooding, locate the shut off valve. This is normally a brass tap underneath your sink in the kitchen. Please act immediately, the company takes a very dim view of those residents that do not respond to the flooding with a sense of urgency. Remember it maybe your flat one day.

  2. If the water is coming from the flat above tell them immediately, they may not be aware that there is a problem (this has happened in a number of incidents).

  3. If they do not answer, switch off their water supply. The water stopcocks are on the blue pipes located in the meter rooms in Lantern and Nightingale Houses, and the basement corridor of Artillery House. Each pipe is numbered. Please also then place a note through their letter box stating that you have turned off the water supply and ask them to contact you as soon as possible upon their return.

  4. Contact Acorn Estate Management immediately.

  5. If there has been damage to your property as a result of the flooding, you will need to arrange compensation directly from the flat causing the damage. The company's building's insurance does not cover flat damage.

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Gas meters & stop cocks / isolating valves

Gas meters can be found in the basement level meter rooms under the main staircase in Lantern and Nightingale House.

The meters for Artillery House can be located inside black plastic protective enclosures in the garden to the rear of the building.

The main ON/OFF lever to shutdown the gas supply will be fitted at this point. In addition a further stopcock will be found inside the flat at a suitable location (normally under the kitchen sink).

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Gardens & Lawns

A couple of points to note regarding the gardens:

  • All gardens and lawns can be accessed by all residents - there are no private areas.
  • Please do not drop litter or dispose of cigarette butts anywhere in the grounds and/or pathways. Please do not park in front of the path to the tennis courts
  • Connaught Mews has been designated as a conservation zone by the London Borough of Greenwich and all trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order.
  • All ball games (other than tennis) are strictly prohibited
  • Personal items are not to be left outside. If they are they will be removed and you may be charged.

Please respect the place in which you live.

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House Rules

If you are renting a flat contact the lessee via your letting agent and ask for a copy of the "Fourth Schedule - Regulations" from their lease. These contain a number of requirements and regulations to which all freeholders and leaseholders are expected to adhere.

For example, as part of the lease, all of the following are prohibited:

  • Drying clothes in all outside areas
  • Chaining bikes to the railings
  • Playing ball games on the lawn
  • Keeping noisy pets
  • Failing to insulate your floor from noise by using good quality underlay.

It should also be noted smoking is not permitted in the communal areas of each block. There are "No smoking" signs posted on all doors.

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You should have been given keys to enable you to have full access at Connaught Mews.
  1. Key to gain access to your block.
  2. Key for the pedestrian gates at Grand Depot Road, adjacent to the tennis court and at the front entrance, this key will also operate the lock on the tennis court gate.
  3. A key for the mail card delivery box on the front gate.
If you do not possess all of these keys, you may request one.

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All rubbish should be placed in the bins located at the side of Artillery House and Nightingale House. Please make every effort to fill up the rear bins first of all. The bins are normally emptied weekly.

All rubbish should be placed inside the bins, bags must not be left outside as it is causing problems with vermin which is costing you to be dealt with.

Large cardboard boxes should be flattened or torn into smaller pieces before being placed in the recycling bins. Most furniture can be dismantled (flat packed) and made to fit inside the bins.

Large items of household waste should never be dumped in or around the refuse enclosures - they will not be collected by the refuse collectors.

The Greenwich Council's team can be contacted to arrange for most items to be removed.

See : Greenwich Council website

Artillery House bin enclosure


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Recycling - What can I recycle?

Before you chuck your rubbish into the blue bins, please make sure you only include the items listed below.


  • Soft drinks
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Tinned meat
  • Baked beans
  • Tinned vegetables
  • Tinned fruit
  • Tinned fish
  • Tinned pet food
  • Ready meal containers
  • Take away food containers
  • Party platters
  • Meals on wheels containers
  • Kitchen foil
  • Remember to wash out cans to help keep your bin clean and avoid contamination.
  • Cereal packets
  • Greetings cards
  • Cardboard boxes, including corrugated cardboard
We are unable to recycle ‘waxed paper’ cartons such as fruit juice, washing liquid and milk.


  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Envelopes
  • Junk mail
  • Telephone directories
  • Catalogues
  • Plastic
  • Plastic bottles
  • Soft drinks bottles (clear and coloured)
  • Alcoholic beverage bottles (clear and coloured)
  • Fruit juice
  • Milk
  • Cooking oils
  • Laundry products
  • Hair care products
  • Baby care products
  • Supermarket carrier bags
To give you more room in your bin it helps to squash down any plastic bottles.


  • Jars
  • Bottles
All coloured glass can be mixed together.

See also : Greenwich council website

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Pets - Are we allowed to have pets?

We do not wish to be draconian on this matter, in general we are happy for you to have a small pet as long as no complaints are received regarding your pet. The lease does state that pets are not permitted but this will only be enforced in the event of a problem.

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Post - Royal Mail

Post to the Mews is normally delivered directly to each flat's letterbox. Occasionally we experience problems whilst our normal postman is on holiday. During these times, post is sometimes delivered to the tables in the entrance halls. If this is happening we recommend you
inform the post office about the problem.

The management team will also notify the Royal Mail but the problem will probably be rectified more quickly if complaints are received from everyone that is affected.

See also: Connaught Mews address

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Sub Letting of Flats

The company will readily give its consent to lessees wishing to sub let their flat providing that you obtain the company's prior consent. This is a condition of your lease.

You will encounter problems if you do not observe this clause.

Note: Under current regulations, landlords are required to ensure that a gas safety certificate is issued every year. Failing to get one could result in criminal prosecution and large fines.

See also : Submit sub let details

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We ask all residents to be vigilant.

Please ensure that all main doors are closed shut and locked when entering and leaving.

Do not let anyone enter the building by way of the entry phone unless you have established their identity.

The pedestrian gates must remain locked at all times to prevent trespass, even if you are only popping out for a few minutes.

Security is everyone's responsibility - do not assume that someone else will deal with it.

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Tradesmen - The London Tradesmen's Directory

If you are looking for a tradesmen to carry out some work on your flat, then why not try The London Tradesmen’s Directory: click here

This provides a list of recommended and London-based workmen from all trades.

Alternatively contact Acorn Estate Management who have several full-time workmen who may be able to help: contact information.

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Vacant property (winter period)

Precautions must be taken to prevent flooding during the winter months and the cold weather. If the property is to be unoccupied for a number of days we advise that the central heating be left on constant all radiators on/open with the room thermostat set at approximately 5 degrees. This will prevent your pipes from freezing.

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Washing Lines

These are strictly prohibited please see "Fourth Schedule" of the lease. Washing lines or any other drying devices may not be erected anywhere in the gardens or communal areas of the Mews.

The drying of clothes directly in the window of flats or clothes hanging out of flat windows is also not tolerated.

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Water Meters

Domestic water supplies to Connaught Mews are metered.

Residents should be particularly careful when dealing with Thames Water. We have had numerous problems with them including inaccurate billing. This is especially the case if you have just started renting one of the flats.

The meters are difficult to access. Click to see locations.

None of the meters are situated inside the grounds and you will need to lift a heavy manhole cover to gain access. The Nightingale House meters are on the pavement on Woolwich New Road. The other meters are located inside Claydown Mews.

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Window Cleaning

You have to make your own arrangements for window cleaning but
Acorn Estate Management can provide detials of a local cleaner. There is a communal areas window cleaner hired by the company, but unfortunately, they do not deal with individual flats.

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Window Repairs

A few of the large sash windows are not opening fully or are jammed shut. This is basically due to lack of maintenance. It maybe that the windows are just stuck due to a paint build up. This can be overcome by placing a piece of wood against the edge of the frame away from the glass and tapping it gently all around the frame with a hammer.

The state of repair of your flat's sash windows is your responsibility. If the frames have become rotten, they will need to be repaired. If not caught quickly enough, the whole frame will need to be replaced. This has been the case on a handful of flats.

If you need help contact: Acorn Estate Management

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Where can I erect a For Sale board?

If you are selling your flat ensure that the Estate Agent is informed that the For Sale board should under no circumstance be nailed to the boundary walls or attached to the railings. They will be removed immediately. One board per Agent is allowed.

The For Sale boards are to be placed firmly in the soil only at the Woolwich New Road entrance.

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Who is the company solicitor?

It is very important that you let your solicitor know who the Connaught Mews SE18 Management Co Ltd solicitor is, as it is their job to process the License to assign of the lease from the seller to the purchaser.

Harriet Weller
WSM (Solicitors) LLP
Woodcock House
Gibbard Mews
37-38 High Street
Wimbledon Village
SW19 5BY

Telephone : 0208 879 4300
Fax : 0208 946 8073
Email :
Web :

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Who is the Connaught Mews company secretary?

The company secretary is responsible for the share register and any changes to that, for example when a flat is sold. She is also responsible for dealing with leasehold residents wishing to purchase a share of the freehold.

Where possible please contact the secretary via email to avoid delays.

Ms Megan Phillips
Flat 20
Lantern House
Connaught Mews
SE18 6SU

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What is the current service charge?

The service charge varies from year to year. We work hard to keep the costs as low as possible, but it is important that our beautiful buildings and grounds are maintained to a high standard.

Please contact Acorn Estate Management for the current service charge and a breakdown of how that service charge is spent. Acorn Estate Management contact details can be found by clicking here.

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Are there any plans for major works in the next year or so?

Each year we plan to undertake further works concentrating on such items as guttering, paths, railings, essential tree works etc.

We keep to a cyclic schedule of most maintenance work, for example redecoration, drain clearance, health and safety checks.

Major works are defined to include items such as full internal / external decorating, re-carpeting or other major items. Should we require any major works you will be informed in writing with a 'section 20 notice'.

If you see anything that requires attention please contact Acorn Estate Management: contact information.

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How is the service charge calculated?

The service charge is an estimate of costs for the following year and as such cannot be calculated exactly.

It is based on the previous year's actual costs and predicts any obvious change in costs to services.

The costs of maintaining Connaught Mews rises every year, however in real terms the service charge has been maintained at a similar level.

The largest item effecting the charge is whether or not it is a year requiring planned major works.

The charge is set by the first directors (who are all residents of Connaught Mews). For more information on how Connaught Mews Management operates : click here.

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When is the service charge due?

The service charge demand is sent out around January of each year.

It is due within 21 days of receipt, however prompt payment helps reduce administration and service charges.

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Are there any arrears in the payment of the service charge?

The service charge covers the following 12 months.

For example, a service charge demand sent in Jan 2018 is due in Jan 2018 and covers the period Jan 2018 until Dec 2018.

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What is the Ground Rent?    When is it due?

The ground rent is currently set at £100.

The ground rent is normally waived for Freeholders.

It is due at the same time as the service charge in January of each year.

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Is the Ground rent in arrears?

No. It covers the following 12 months.

If ground rent is due it will be included with your service charge demand.

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Are there any unexpected major expenditure items for the current year?

No. Unexpected expenditure items are normally covered by the service charge.

Our service charge estimates have almost always been set at a suitable level so as to not require additional requests through the year.

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Does the Management Company expect to levy an interim service charge during the year?

No. This has been done once or twice in the past, but only in exceptioonal circumstances and it is usually avoided.

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What is the expected rise in service charge for the next year?

We work hard to ensure that the underlying yearly change of the service charge is minimal, however this does require support and cooperation from residents.

The major changes in the service charge usually resulting in whether or not major works had to be scheduled for a particular year.

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How much stamp duty is payable?

To calculate the current stamp duty payable on a flat purchase go to : Stamp Duty Calculator Tool.

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What is the remaining term of lease?

All leases in Connaught Mews were started with 125 years back in around 1991/2.

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Do all flats have a share of the freehold?

Not all flats currently have a share of the freehold, however the majority do.

The freehold for a flat can be purchased for a cost of £2,000 at any time by contacting us.

Purchasing the freehold increases the re-sale value of the property, avoids ground rent charges and gives the resident a greater say in how Connaught Mews is managed.

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Who is responsible for maintaining the communal areas?

The communal areas are the responsibility of
Connaught Mews SE18 Management Company Ltd.

In turn we use the services of Acorn Estate Management to help with the property management.

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Is there a Management Company employed on behalf of the residents?

Yes -
Connaught Mews SE18 Management Company Ltd.

This is run on a voluntary unpaid basis by the first directors, all of whom are residents at the Mews.

In turn the Management Company uses the services of Acorn Estate Management to help with the property management.

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Is there a Residents Association?

There is no residents association.

A large percentage of owners are also directors of the Connaught Mews SE18 Management Company and as such can have a say in the running of the Mews.

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Are there any fire exits?

Each block has multiple entrance / exit doors.

There is no communal fire alarm but all communal corridors have smoke detectors.

Connaught Mews has an bi-annual Health and Safety and Fire inspection.

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Are there designated car parking spaces? How many per flat?

Parking is for residents only.

There are no designated parking spaces specifically for a flat but there are designated parking bays available for all residents to use.

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Are there any lifts, and who maintains them?

There are no lifts.

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How often is the external/internal decorating done?

In the past this has been done roughly every 4 years depending on the condition of the decoration. Internal decoration is now painted on a 'rolling basis' to spread the costs. If you see an area that requires painting please contact Acorn Estate Management.

The exterior painting cycle can vary a year or so depending on the actual condition.

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Who maintains the security gates?

If there any problems with the gate please
contact Acorn Estate Management who will arrange for any repairs if necessary.

There is a yearly maintenance schedule for the gates.

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How many floors are there in the blocks?

There are three floors in each block; basement, ground and first floor.

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How many blocks / flats are there in the property?

There are 3 blocks:
  • Nightingale House
  • Artillery House
  • Lantern House

    In total there are 61 flats - Nightingale House (21 flats), Artillery House (14 flats) and Lantern House (26 flats).

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    When was the development completed?

    Renovation of the development was completed in 1992.

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    Who were the developers?

    Connaught Mews was developed by
    Westcombe Homes.

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    When was the property built?

    Connaught Mews was originally built in 1780.

    Click here to access the history pages.

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    Is there a copy of the council planning permission for the conversion?

    A copy of the planning permission was obtained from Greenwich Council.

    Please click to see a copy of the planning permission.

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    Does the building have NHBC cover?

    Connaught Mews does not have NHBC cover.

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    Is there any commercial usage of the property?

    There is no commercial usage of the property. Connaught Mews is residential property and is not to be used for any commercial businesses.

    Please refer to the lease.

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    How often are the grounds maintained?

    The gardens are maintained regularly and weather permitting the gardeners are normally on site at least once a week, usually on a Wednesday or Thursday. However in busy times, such as over the summer and autumn, the gardeners will be seen more often.

    If you see anything that needs attending to in the garden, or if you have any suggestions then please contact Acorn Estate Management: contact information.

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    Who is the Building Insurance with?

    The buildings insurance is renewed annually in October.

    Please note that any claim carries a £500 excess and all claims should be made via Acorn Estate Management: contact information.

    Acorn Estate Management can also provide you with details of the insurance cover and copies of the insurance ploicy.

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    How much is the premium and when is it due for renewal?

    The insurance is renewed in the month of October. Acorn Estate Management can provide you with details of the insurance cover and copies of the insurance ploicy.

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    Are residents responsible for their own contents insurance?

    All residents; leasehold, freehold, tenant, or landlord are responsible for organising their own contents insurance.

    See also: Contents insurance

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    Is the flat owner responsible for their own internal decoration?

    Each flat is required by the lease to be kept in good order, including regular internal decoration. It is the responsibility of the flat owner to ensure that the terms of the lease are adhered to.

    Please refer to the terms and conditions in your lease.

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    Are there any timber guarantees?

    There are currently no known timber guarantees for any of the buildings.

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  • Site last updated : 12th Feb 2020.
    © Connaught Mews SE18 Management Company Limited 2004-2020.

    Registered office: 20 Lantern House, Connaught Mews, Woolwich, London SE18 6SU. Registered in England. Number : 3408173.